Sunday, October 11, 2009

Coupon Rules to Live By

A store coupon and a manufacturers coupon can be combined for more money off savings.

Some stores double coupons, check yours to see if they do .
If a coupon say do not double and the barcode starts with a 5 , if scanned it will double.
Most stores instruct cashiers to manually stop it from doubling.
If the barcode starts with a 9 it won't double when scanned.

If a store is having a buy one get one (B1G1) free sale and you have a coupon for that product that says buy one get one free you can use it and get both items for free.
you can use 2 money off mfr 1 coupons on them.
But you can not use a b1g1 mfr and money off mfr on the same together

If a coupon says one per purchase that means if you are getting 5 of that item you may use 5 coupons for those items because you are purchasing 5
provided they are x off 1 item coupons.

If the coupon says 1 per person , or 1 per transaction that means you can only use 1 coupon of that kind in your transaction.

Please use coupons correctly , coupon fraud is a crime and we will not allow talk of fraudulent uses of coupons on this site.

1 comment:

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